Vastu Altars with Robin Mastro

Mar 24, 2022

Episode 228

Robin Mastro is co-founder of Vastu Creations, LLC, and the American Institute of Vastu - consultancy, design, and educational companies that focus on eliminating environmental stress for greater productivity, improved health and wellbeing. Her research in accessing the power of altars in the Vedic tradition led her to study ancient cultures around the world and how they connected with unseen forces to support their daily lives.

In this episode Colette discusses the following topics with Robin:

  • Robin's research journey on altars.
  • The key elements of a Vastu altar.
  • How to set up a health and wellbeing altar.
  • Rituals to ignite your altar.
  • Client stories of the powerful outcomes from their sacred spaces.


Download the Health and Wellbeing Altar excerpt here.

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Thanks to Kerala Ayurveda Academy for sponsoring this episode. Please visit Kerala Ayurveda Academy to learn more.


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