Ayurvedic Prevention & the Four Goals of Life

Jan 16, 2020

Episode 115

Swastha Vritta is the science of Ayurvedic prevention. It means to establish ourselves in our unique mind/body type and living in accordance with nature and our ‘true nature’. Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to health and helps us to understand the importance of keeping our body and mind in balance to prevent an aggravation of the doshas which can result in dis-ease physically and mentally.

Ayurveda tells us that health is the root of everything and is the foundation necessary to achieve the 4 goals of life or Purusharta:

  1. Kama – activities/pleasure
  2. Artha – money/prosperity
  3. Dharma – purpose/service
  4. Moksha – liberation/non-attachment

Learn how to progress on this path of the four goals of life in this episode with Colette.

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